Collaboration solutions
正确的无国界协作解决方案可以帮助公司随时发挥其团队的全部潜力, anywhere.
通过从网络到云的协作解决方案,为您的团队提供维护和发展业务所需的无边界协作. 当您的所有系统都能彼此清晰地通信时,您的用户也是如此.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业解决方案提供强大而安全的通信功能,为您的业务提供支持, 所有这些都由合格的合作伙伴提供,并具有灵活的商业模式.
The Solution
What borderless collaboration can do for you
Every organisation is unique. 每个公司或机构都有不同的通信需求,这意味着每个组织都需要定制的协作解决方案.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业提供端到端解决方案组合,使您能够从中受益 cloud communications, communications products and network products seamlessly, on premises, hybrid or in the cloud.
Communicate remotely as if in the office
Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and RingCentral MVP®* 提供强大的协作功能,始终保持联系:
- Route your office number to your home or mobile devices
- Maintain same interactions with customers and suppliers
- Transfer calls easily in one click
- 与客户、合作伙伴或同事进行高质量的视频会议
- Call from any device using audio and video
- Share screen and files for efficient interactions
Benefit from strict data confidentiality agreements
*available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA
Add collaboration to your Business Telephony
- 电话数字化转变为集成协作能力
- Phone capacities remain the same
- Elegant and stylish designs
- 办公室电话成为真正的助手,可以支持任何类型的对话
- Stable audio quality
Adapt your collaboration solution to your sector
感谢我们在为客户定制解决方案方面的经验, 我们扩大了我们的产品组合,提供以下以火狐体育手机为重点的解决方案:
- Rainbow Classroom creates a virtual classroom experience from a distance, and directly into your Learning Management System.
- Rainbow Alert 向用户提供具有紧急级别的即时通知,以及收据确认. Typically used in healthcare environments.
- Rainbow Room 再现商务会议体验,并集成到您的智能电视中,以无缝连接您公司的远程同事.
- Rainbow Workflow 为企业和火狐体育手机想要授权他们的连接设备,并把他们的数据转化为行动.
- SaaS Connectors 能够将Rainbow功能无缝集成到现有基础设施中.
Data sovereignty – your top priority
As cyberthreats grow, so does the demand for security. Depending on your company size, 数据的敏感性和对安全的期望, you can choose from different hosting models.
Upon request, you can benefit from Rainbow Edge, 具有灵活架构的本地私有云解决方案,允许您选择一个地区/国家的本地数据中心, a connected edge or a standalone edge.
Customer Benefits
Here’s why customers choose ALE
Digital technology is quickly changing. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业专家和专业合作伙伴提供360°咨询体验.
Consider security first
在搜索协作解决方案时,安全性应该是一个关键的选择因素. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业解决方案从产品开发到产品部署维护都遵循严格的安全标准.
Access to customized products
With the Rainbow CPaaS offer, 您将受益于为您的火狐体育手机设计的解决方案, your company and your employees.
Customer References
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Supporting Documents
随着企业和政府寻求数字化转型,并更永久地支持灵活的工作模式, they have no choice but to strengthen cybersecuri…
Unlock your people potential
RingCentral MVP®为员工提供一体化消息传递, video meetings and calls solutions, available from anywhere, on any device.
Remote Work Cybersecurity Recommendations
ALE Chief Information Security Officer, Sebastien Roche, 分享ALE在业务连续性和安全性方面的见解.
The combination of social networks, mobile internet, 数据湖和信息仓库——所有这些都可以作为服务从云端访问
Visit our Blog
Data sovereignty and security reign in the new work world
在新的工作环境中,对数据主权和安全的需求被推到了风口浪尖, 随着企业转向云计算,人们可以随时随地工作.
Succeeding in the new way of working - IDC White Paper
In the IDC white paper, IDC为商业领袖提供了重要的发现和见解,帮助他们做出正确的决策,以建立他们的“未来企业”。. Take few minutes to go through this white paper.
Download the whitepaper